The Oracle Problem

In the world of blockchain and decentralized applications (dApps), the "oracle problem" has emerged as a significant hurdle. Despite the promise of blockchains providing immutable, transparent, and tamper-proof data storage, they face a fundamental limitation: their inability to access or verify real-world external data. This gap between on-chain and off-chain data is often referred to as the "oracle problem," and it's one that Orally is determined to solve. This document provides an overview of this challenge and outlines how Orally addresses it.

What is the Oracle Problem?

At its core, the oracle problem is about trust and data integrity:

  1. Blockchains are Isolated: By design, blockchains cannot access external data on their own. Their deterministic nature means that every node in the network must be able to come to the same conclusion independently, based on the data available on-chain. This isolation ensures data integrity within the blockchain but limits its ability to interact with external information.

  2. Reliability of Data Sources: Even if a blockchain could access external data, there's the question of trustworthiness. How can one ensure that the data being fed into the blockchain is accurate and hasn't been tampered with?

  3. Single Points of Failure: Traditional centralized oracles that feed data into blockchains introduce vulnerabilities. If such an oracle is compromised, it could feed incorrect data into the blockchain, leading to erroneous operations or financial losses.

  4. Consensus Challenges: How can we ensure that multiple data sources agree on the data's accuracy, especially when the data sources themselves might have conflicts or discrepancies?

Why is it a Significant Issue?

The limitations posed by the oracle problem have profound implications for dApps and smart contracts. For these decentralized platforms to realize their full potential, they must be able to:

  • Trigger Actions Based on Real-world Events: A smart contract that pays out insurance in the event of a natural disaster, for instance, needs reliable information about the occurrence and severity of the event.

  • Integrate with Existing Systems: For blockchain technology to achieve widespread adoption, it must be able to communicate and interoperate with existing non-blockchain systems seamlessly.

  • Ensure Financial Accuracy: Many DeFi applications rely on accurate price feeds for assets, commodities, and currencies. Incorrect data can result in significant financial distortions.

Orally’s Solution to the Oracle Problem

Orally provides a comprehensive solution to the oracle problem through its suite of tools:

  1. Decentralized Data Fetching: Orally's Sybil and Pythia modules fetch data from various sources and aggregate it, ensuring that no single data source can compromise the integrity of the information.

  2. Validation & Consensus: Multiple nodes on the ICP chain ensure consensus on fetched data, eliminating single points of failure and ensuring reliability.

  3. Immutable Proofs: Data is signed with cryptographic proofs, verifying its origin and ensuring it hasn't been altered during transmission.

  4. Flexible Integration: Orally’s tools like Apollo and Hephaestus allow for both request-based data fetching and preprocessing, giving dApps unparalleled flexibility in how they access and use real-world data.

  5. Transparency & Auditability: All operations are transparent, and every data point can be audited, fostering trust in the system.


The oracle problem is one of the most pressing challenges in blockchain technology today. By bridging the gap between the on-chain and off-chain worlds, Orally offers a reliable, decentralized, and transparent solution. Our suite of tools ensures that dApps can trust the external data they rely on, unleashing a new realm of possibilities for blockchain applications.

Last updated